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This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. The latest feature from Jafar Panahi, who is currently imprisoned in Iran, explores the subversive power and the ethical limitations of filmmaking. This film from Kasi Lemmons is a jukebox retelling of Whitney Houston’s parabola from sweatshirts to sequins. Thus, Whoville’s Christmas songs were written in Seussian style.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” is a cozy holiday classic now, but some of the people involved in its production thought it was going to bomb with audiences. The 1965 film was created as a TV special with financial backing Hút hầm cầu tại Đà Nẵng from Coca-Cola, but was put together in just a matter of weeks to meet broadcast demands. Plus, there's the director -- Damien Chazelle -- who's an Oscar winner ... And with a somewhat hefty budget of $80 million it's unclear why this one didn't do well with moviegoers this holiday season. The mixed reviews probably didn't help.

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She once said kids wouldn’t believe it when her own grandchildren told them she did Rudolph’s voice – but she could prove it by doing the voice on the spot. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is a beloved special, but those involved in its production worried that they'd movie created a dud. We invite you to find out how many films from the list you’ve seen on this poll. You can also download your favorite shows with the iOS, Android, or Windows 10 app. Use downloads to watch while you're on the go and without an internet connection.

Watch as much as you want, anytime you want. A special distinction awarded to the best reviewed movies and TV Shows. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! Tap "Sign me up" below to receive our weekly newsletter with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. Millions of movies, TV shows and people to discover. Of course, we're talking about 'Babylon' -- which hit theaters this holiday weekend ...
